Entertainment Programms

The BBC, the British Broadcast Corporation, has a lot of entertainment TV programms. For example, let's talk about Doctor Who.

Doctor Who was broadcasted for the first time on 23rd November 1963. It deals with a time traveler man.
He meets diverse companions with who he will save people from monsters. The most famous of them are the Dalek.

Protected by their iconic armor, Daleks actually look like a squid. They can shoot laser to electrocute humans and say their popular "exterminate !". They also have a suction cup in their right arm.

They were introduced the 21st December 1963, in the episode named "The Dead Planet"

The Tardis, acronym for "Time And Relative Dimension In Space", is the doctor's time machine. It's an anormal machine which is bigger inside than outside.

There is an entire episode, called " The doctor's wife", about the Tardis.

The doctor has a special tool, called the sonic screwdriver. He uses it to disable some systems, like open doors.

Each doctor has his own screwdriver (see the image in right). The Tardis makes usually it for the doctor

The doctor has a special ability: The Regeneration. He can change his body to a new one, in order not to die. He has in the old serie 8 regenerations, including 8 actors of course.

William Hartnell was the first of them, but died on 23rd April 1975

Since we're talking about that... What are the old and new serie ?

The Old and the New serie

The old serie is the beginning of the whole serie, but the BBC stopped making it in 1989.
The serie came back with the episode named "Rose" on 26th March 2005, with the first appearance of the 9th doctor : Christopher Eccleston

Here's the first doctor who theme :

New episodes for the new serie are still produced today with currently 13 regenerations of the doctor and a new one announced, the 14th.


Doctor Who is a BBC entertainment programm about a time traveler man. He has the ability of regeneration, and his biggest ennemies are the Daleks.